"This sounds like the shifter problem I had. It's stuck in gear, but the
lever pops back to neutral, with limited side to side motion, right?
Fixed it by replacing the shifter works. And you can get the shifter out
without removing the tranny, or cutting the tunnel. Just start to
disassemble it in place. Unfortunately, you also have to disassemble the
new one to get it in."
If you manage to move the shift lever from reverse into the neutral
gate without
disengaging the gear, you are stuck in gear, reverse in this case, and
No other gear can be
engaged until you disengage reverse. The "one gear at a time" feature
is internal to the Ford trans.
You CAN get the stock shifter mechanism OUT of the car WITHOUT
disassembling it!
It does require a technique that is immediately forgotten / missed as
soon as the shifter is OUT of the car. It has to do with rotating the
But it CAN be done and is a LOT faster than disassembly.