The convention, as I understand it is: Positive offset moves the wheel
outboard, negative moves it inboard. I use backspacing as my primary
reference, as that is the most direct measure of clearance. There is some
uncertainty in translating rear spacing to offset because of wheel lip width
(0.5"??). A Tiger can accommodate up to at least 4.5" of backspacing, and
probably 4.75" or even a skosh more depending on your exact setup. With 5.5"
wide wheels, there is a fairly wide range of backspacing/offsets that will
still fit. There are two issues to consider: handling and looks. From a
handling and drivability point of view, the more negative offset the better
because that puts the tire patch closer to where the steering axis
intersects the road. Of course, as a practical matter, there is just so much
offset you can achieve with a 5.5" wheel. Handling-wise, 1.25" negative
offset would be best. Looks-wise, neutral or maybe a small amount of
positive offset is probably better. By my rough reckoning, 1.25" of positive
offset may give your Tiger a lowrider look with the attendant ride height
clearance problems.