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Re: Paint Colors

To: tigers@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Paint Colors
From: RMEbstein@aol.com
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 17:16:32 EST
Hi Listers,
Does anyone know where I can see a picture of a Tiger on the Net with Paint  
Code 97 - Royal Blue? I'm considering painting my Tiger and contemplating  
several colors in the Red and Blue families for my Tiger, which was originally  
painted Carnival Red.
There's a ton of discussion on the Cobra websites, including Superformance  
Cobras, about Royal Blue and Guardsman Blue. Is the Royal Blue that these 
forums  "shoot the breeze" about the same Royal Blue that Rootes lists as a 
standard  color?
I actually took someone's advice about contacting Tower Paint. I've ordered  
a bunch of colors, but since I'm a horrible painter, I was looking for some  
thoughts on the matter.
As always, thank you.

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