I installed the Corbeau Forza II seats in my Tiger. They are a high
back, tube frame seat, with a very comfortable cloth on the outside.
The benefits are they give me more leg room, are cool to sit on in the
summer, and nice in the winter, the lateral support is excellent, and
the high back is nice to keep the wind from blowing around with the top
down. You sit in the seat, and not on top of it. Combined with the 4
point harness, with retractors, they are great for autocross, and
everyday driving.
They like most seats have an interference with the B Post, and I had to
modify the frame. I used a modified Tiger slider to retain the fore aft
movement. I tried all of the after market seats so see what would fit,
the car and ME. These were the only ones that made it.
While they are not period, I really like the high back for safety, i.e.
head restraint, and the lack of wind buffeting.
I will be doing an article on how to modify the seats and sliders in the
MWood24020@aol.com wrote:
Some of the aftermarket manufacturers (like Corbeau) still make
"Clubman" type seats, which have fixed seat backs and no head
rests...they're also not very expensive.
I personally think this type of seat is perfect for the Tiger, as it is
"period correct", fits easily, and provides great lateral support. Many
of the newer seats just don't look right in the car, IMHO.
Having said that, I haven't done the swap on my car, so I don't have
real experience with the seats. There is also a firm in Reno that
builds seats for vintage racing (aluminum shell w/suitable padding and
leather covering surfaces)...I can't remember the name, if there's any
interest I can find out easily enough.
Mike Wood
MWood24020@aol.com wrote:
>Some of the aftermarket manufacturers (like Corbeau) still make "Clubman"
>type seats, which have fixed seat backs and no head rests...they're also not
>very expensive.
>I personally think this type of seat is perfect for the Tiger, as it is
>"period correct", fits easily, and provides great lateral support. Many of the
>newer seats just don't look right in the car, IMHO.
>Having said that, I haven't done the swap on my car, so I don't have real
>experience with the seats. There is also a firm in Reno that builds seats for
>vintage racing (aluminum shell w/suitable padding and leather covering
>surfaces)...I can't remember the name, if there's any interest I can find out
>Mike Wood