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Indy Info (non tiger)

To: <Tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Indy Info (non tiger)
From: "Stu Brennan" <stubrennan@comcast.net>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 19:16:12 -0500
We are heading for Indy this year.  Not the race (been there done that),
but for a music festival in March.  I'll be a chaperone for our High
School band, staying in a hotel with about a zillion other band kids.
My wife will be flying out with some of the other parents and siblings
to see the concerts, etc., and they need a recommendation for a decent
reasonably priced hotel/motel in the area.  The focus of activities will
be Clowes Hall at Butler University, and the downtown/RCA Dome area, so
I would think something toward the NW side of the city would work.  Safe
neighborhood, reasonably easy access, no midnight businesses being
conducted out of the rooms, etc.  


Can someone give us a recommendation?




Stu Brennan

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