As something of a neophyte in changes to stock Tigers, I'd like to ask
the following: what does the LAT hood afford me in terms of vertical
clearance in terms of the original (MK 1A) bonnet? I'm looking at
Inglese's web site in terms of Weber bug suckers, as I'm thinking
retrofit of a 302 or 5.0L ( name it). Does anything fit, or should I
buy a second bonnet in order to keep my original and be able to get back
to "stock"? The original 260 (??????) will be overhauled and kept, as
will any tranny and RE (now 2.88) stuff.
BTW: whatever happened to the old 4.11 rearend? I had a 1934 Dodge
5-window coupe that I dropped a 1954 Chrysler mill into (straight fit)
back in high school (1950x) -- what a ride! But it still didn't match
the '40 Ford coupe with a '53 Olds Rocket my buddy had -- that damned
thing would just go sideways when you romped on it!!! My '34 -- at 4600
pounds, even with that "big" V8 mill, was pretty sedate. Ah, well --
weight to HP -- so what's new?
Hey, still got my (bought new) Tiger -- and that's one HELL of a ride!!!!
Tony in CT
B3820013321 (original owner)