As a former Hoosier, I can tell you that Central Indiana rarely get's
more then an inch or so of snow at a time, and even then the day time
temps usually are such that it all melts from roads within a day or
two. On the rare occasion that they do get 4+ inches, it's serious
trouble for a few days since they don't have the equipment to keep pace
with a big storm. The average temps in Indy in mid-March are 50 high
and 29 low.. I don't think snow on the roads will be much of a risk.
Stephen Waybright - Houston,TX (but in Indy, now through New Years)
--- Stu Brennan <> wrote:
> Tony:
> Your comments about the Indiana snow clearing efforts leave me with
> such
> a wonderful feeling. In mid March I'll be heading from the Boston
> area
> to Indianapolis with a couple bus loads of high school kids for a
> music
> festival. That's still snow season out there, right? Do they
> eventually get their snow clearing efforts in gear or is this
> typical?
> Should we be carrying a couple days worth of food and water on the
> busses? ;-)))
> Stu
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