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Re: About those super cheap cars on ebay (no Tiger content)

To: <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>, <randya@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: About those super cheap cars on ebay (no Tiger content)
From: "Pointers" <gpointer@telusplanet.net>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 22:00:49 -0500
I don't get it. All that url returns me is:

We can't find http://www.ebaymotorssucks.com


Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 00:51:22 -0700
From: "Randall Antosiak" <randya@pacbell.net>
Subject: About those super cheap cars on ebay (no Tiger content)

All -
If you are a motorhead like me, you waste time prowling ebay for cars you
want but can never afford (or if you could, the wife would never approve).
But, how can you say no to a perfect '66 Shelby Hertz racer for only $10,500
buy-it-now?  Where do I send the check?

Well, Santa doesn't live on ebay.  This is obviously a scam, but what is the
story behind it?  I checked around a bit, and discovered this web site that
fills in the reasons behind these super cheap cars.  Bottom line is that
fraud is rampant on ebay motors.  If you are thinking of buying a car there,
better check out the following URL first.


Have fun in Tigerland,
Randy Antosiak

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