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Central Valley Classics Tiger

To: <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: Central Valley Classics Tiger
From: "Tom Witt" <wittsend@jps.net>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 13:52:28 -0700
Portions from Mark Olsen's posting:

"...and see if it matters to the majority of the people in this country if
there are "real or fake" Tigers in the world."

"they might want it because it looks cool and goes fast, biggest motivation
for the majority buyer (ego).

"and a most have said "so what, it looks fast".

Perhaps this guy should see the episode of "All in the Family" where Archie
Bunker pays $25 for what he thinks is a $300 watch based on it's "Name" and
then finds out it's worth less than he paid for it. That did wonders for
Archie's "Ego"!

 I find it interesting that none of the people he claims to be indifferent to
authenticity have actually offered to buy this car. I'm sure people would want
better roads, better schools, more police etc., but when it comes time to be
taxed..... .
 Also of interest is his willingness to "convertible-ize" a Cuda because a
real one cost (him) too much. Yet to his way of thinking (as it regards Algers
and Tigers and if applied to convertible Cuda's) the fake convertible Cuda and
the real deal should be selling for (and cost him) the same price too. The
bottom line is HE claims he's not willling to pay "real deal" price for a fake
Cuda, but he seems to have no trouble selling the Alger as a Tiger because it
"looks cool" and "goes fast" to the not completely informed buyer.

 In the past it used to be called "dealer.....  ummm, BROKER mark-up" now in
our blame shifting society it's being called "Buyers Ego".


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