In a message dated 8/31/2004 3:02:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> Erich:
> That IS a great article--I also can't remember where I saw it (and I'm
> embarassed that I forgot to mention reinforcing the cross member :-[
> --glad you said something Ron. If Erich's is anything like mine was, it
> could use reinforcing).
> And after your cross member is stripped down, Smitty has a jig that he
> can put it in and do the necessary welding and reinforcing
Good points. You might contact Tom Hall directly, though. I'm not sure if
he's taking on any more crossmembers, but he not only has the correct jigs and
fixtures, he's also engineered some more fixes which are very effective, since
he wrote the tech tip for STOA.