Hi Gary,
A fusible link would be a good idea. Following John's wiring scheme, I think
the best place to put it (them?) would be at the alternator. I'd have one in
the circuit going to the fuse box for sure, rated at 50 to 60 amps, and
possibly a second one on the battery charging circuit. You could use a
smaller gauge wire, but offhand I'm not sure what size would be best, and it
would probably be best to get a fusible link insert from an auto parts
place. I think they just come with crimp on connectors, which will work fine
as long as a proper crimping tool is used.
You could also use a self-resetting circuit breaker. I got some years ago
from a Kenworth service center, with mounting bracket, etc. These work well
except that when you have an electrical problem, there's no 'smoking gun',
i.e. there are no blown fuses to mark a trail to the source of the problem.
Best regards,