I just changed my plugs last night and in doing so bumped the duck bill on
the firewall and it dumped a BUNCH of water all over my hand. They were new
replacements and I had to slit them to get them open but they still are too
tight and will not drain. I am probably going to put a small wood dowel in
there to hold it slightly open. I suspect that with the new restoration you
replaced these and they are not letting the water out easily. Every time I
wash my car the floor gets wet and it is frustrating but I think I found the
problem. Perhaps check yours ... right above the #8 spark plug.
Best Regards,
Tim Ronak
Business Development Manager
Akzo Nobel Coatings
23961 Via El Rocio
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Off: (949) 305-5393
Fx: (425) 955-6268
Cell: (949) 289-3357
VM: (800) 234-6747 ext. 2257#
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