This is not a point of contention, but my search for clarity. There is what
appears to be "valving" in master cylinders (not necessarily Tiger
specific). The valves appear on the piston (usually flat disks over small
holes) and from what I can see (or think I see) in the outlet connections
(at least in a Nissan MC). Does this factor into the "bleedabilty" of
certain systems? Additonally, I recall that when I had an Audi 5000 that the
ABS couldn't be bled normally (with pedal pressure). Audi had their
"factory" method (not sure what) although I do recall the Haynes manual
saying something about gravity bleeding.
Since I am adapting to the dual Nissan MC on my Tiger (and at one time
considering the pump driven power MC from the Audi) I was looking to gain
knowledge in this area.
Regards, Tom Witt