My copy of Classic Motorsports arrived in the mail yesterday. I
getting a copy of the magazine just for this article alone. Of course it
have been even better if a picture of the Cobra featured in the article
rather than
the Hertz GT350 had been on the cover! Perhaps you could speak to Mr.
Webber on behalf of us deprived snake owners?
On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 11:52:57 -0500 "Chris Thompson" <>
> I went to Virginia Int'l Raceway (VIR) this summer to search for a
> Formula
> Ford at the vintage races and bumped into and met a few fellow list
> members.
> Quite a number of Tigers there. Met John Webber whose car was
> sitting next
> to mine on the assembly line, Dan Fitzgerald, Funbeam Chuck and a
> few
> others. John was there to do an article for Classic Motorsports
> magazine
> about Ford V8 powered sports cars - the GT350, the Cobra, the Tiger,
> and a
> TVR.
> The article just came out in the latest issue. When comparing the
> four cars
> the one that came out on top was the Tiger (Cobra just too
> expen$sive).
> I haven't read the whole article, but I don't think the author
> mentioned any
> prejudice going into the article ;-)...
> Chris