Hi Jim:
Sounds like a nifty project!
Don't know what your parts budget is, but you might try Smitty in San
Diego. He's got a pretty good supply of body bits and he will ship them
to you. He doesn't have an answering machine, so give it about 10 rings
before you hang up--sometimes the phone is hard to hear over the sound
of grinders and such. (619) 233-7937.
Good luck with your project.
David Sosna
James Miller wrote:
> Hello to all Tiger owners.
> My name is Jim and I am a student at Skills &
> Business Education Center located in Sacramento,
> Ca. We have been asked to restore a 66 Tiger.
> This lead to my posting to your message
> boared. This car has some bad damage to the left
> quarter panel. We are looking for a quarter panel
> and rear valance. Does anyone have an idea where
> we might be able to get this.
> Thanks
> James Miller
> Sacramento, CA
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