> Speaking of "suitably styled"... whatever became of the 15" LAT-70 style
> that was made by H and S at the same time as the 13" wheel? Did it ever go
> volume production? If you managed to stuff the wheel wells of a Tiger with
> of those, you'd probably escape the notice of at least a few folks...
> Theo
Those mythical 15 inch LAT 70's are exactly what I want to run on my car.
AFAIK there are a few around that were cast backin the 60's but they may or
may not have the correct bolt pattern and back spacing. If anybody knew who
to talk to about getting them cast, I would be in for a set.
with 13 inch LAT 70's and small spinners made of unobtanium
I have cash money waiting for a person with 2 of the 2 9/16 diameter
for sale