I was in Belfast, Me. this weekend for a quick get away vacation. The
Comfort Inn I was staying at was hosting a week long Stanley Steamer
"Come Steam with Me" rally.
What a fascinating automobile. They had about 25 of them from as far
away as Ill. When I got home I had to log on to read about the Steamers.
The two brothers who started the company make interested reading. I talk
to several of the drivers, most who trailered in but one who drove up
from Mass. They carry more tools than I do. One said about 90% tinkering
and 10% running these cars. They were all eager to talk about Steamer.
Even my wife was intrigued by these cars (she doesn't care much about
cars). Of course starting them takes about 15 minutes if you are lucky.
No quick run to the local store for milk in one of these. You just got
to watch them being started first thing in the morning. Just scares you
to see the driver under the engine compartment with a propane lighter.
But to seem them roll off in a cloud of steam and hardly a whisper
certainly is an attention getter. I checked several web sites and saw
several for sale in the $65,000-125,000 range.
A driver told me same problem as has been on the list and that is
watching out for fake Steamers if you are in the market.
PS Stopped by to see Tod Brown's recently restored Tiger in Warren, Me.
Nice job Tod.