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Re: Upholstery--step by step seat bottom.

To: JParlanti@genelogic.com
Subject: Re: Upholstery--step by step seat bottom.
From: Larry Paulick <larry.p@erols.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 18:58:11 -0700
Way to go Joe.  Look forward to an article in United and TE/AE with 

BTW, what is Sun?


JParlanti@genelogic.com wrote:

>I've just finished the first of my seat bottoms as well. My seats are of 
>the early strap type so the restoration sequence is significantly 
>different. Martha Wheat of Pro Prep Interiors has been coaching me through 
>the process which has been extremely helpful. In turn, I'm  writing an 
>article for the Tigers Untied site. In regards to gluing the cover down, 
>Martha instructed me to spread a 1.5" wide strip of glue around the inside 
>perimeter of the pleated portion of the cover, and the matching area of 
>the foam cushion. I then glued the 2 together and let sit overnight before 
>stretching the cover over the sides. Martha says at this point you're 
>finished with the glue and the cover is held on strictly by the clips. I 
>used medium-sized binder clips available at office supply stores to 
>initially pull everything down, and then went back stretching each area 
>one more time and installing the original clips. She also recommended 
>sitting the seat in the sun to soften the cover up before starting the 
>stretching process. Since we haven't seen the sun in 2 months around here, 
>I used a halogen lamp which worked OK. On to the seat backs ...
>Joe Parlanti


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