But that's not the way it was done. Give yourself free reign and you'll
end up with the BMW Mini with different skin. Like a blind wine tasting, if
you drove the Mini without being able to see it, you'd probably be hard
pressed to differentiate it from many other new millennium sporters. The way
to design a Tiger that truly has the 'feel of the original' is to make any
entrant into Ian Garrad. He can work for whomever he chooses, but he's got to
then take an existent small car product (relatively tepid, making a Monster
out of a Miata is too easy) and find a way to shoehorn a smallblock 8 or a
truly hotrod-able 6 and matching drivetrain into it. Some sheet metal
slashing allowed, but major structural redesign not. Specs must work! Oh,
and be able to sell it profitably for whatever $3750 would be in today's
dollars. Gentleman, step right up.............