You are welcome at the Indiana SAAC Spring Fling, the 3rd
weekend of every May. Tigers have their own class for popular
vote. Concurs judging provided upon preregistration.
They too have struggled with the endless varieties of Mustangs.
But they have not forgot their founding cars.
Blame the Kopec influence. He would like to have Tigers just
go away. Too bad Shelby himself has said he considers the Tiger
as one of his children. But what does he know? Kopec thinks
he knows better.
How does OK SAAC deal with the recent Tiger victory in CA, or
the fact that the last Shelby car to when a National SAAC Title
was Tom Patton. I know don't bother them with facts.
But reconsider your decision about attending their events. The
Tiger speaks for itself at their events. Make a sign 'Tiger - one
of SAAC's founding cars. The poor man's Cobra'.
I always love it when people ask me if my car goes fast. I
usually say 'Yep but it can't quite get the front wheels off the
ground with the rear end ratio I have'.
Dave Johnson