Well Jack, you did several things.
First, to remind us all, that we don't know everything, and credibility
is always gained by supporting your position.
Second, saying thanks, instead of being insulting does so much more for
any community, especially when you can not see a person face to face,
and hear the tone in their voice.
Finally, you signed your name, and were proud to say who you were.
Tiger Mk I wrote:
> Just a short note to the significant number of Tiger
> List subscribers that responded to my complaint about
> the abuse of 'authority' posted by a well known
> personage.
> I was pleased to see the quantity and quality of your
> responses. Of those that took the trouble to respond,
> no one had anything less than whole-hearted agreement
> that "Unsupported opinion, from any source, is not a
> proper reply to a documented search for
> enlightenment", and that "demeaning comment was not
> appropriate."
> In my mind, anyone is entitled to their personal
> opinion, as an opinion. No one is entitled to decree
> unsupported statements as fact, and demean others as
> well.
> Unfortunately, there was not a single responder that
> posted any such comment to the list. Perhaps the
> "authority" has too much personal power to publicly
> censure, even when he is abusive. A pity.
> As pleased as it was to read the supportive messages,
> it was disappointing that I was almost the lone public
> dissenter of this abuse.
> In closing,
> 1) Too bad anyone has such a powerful position that
> his darts and innuendos are immune form public
> critique.
> 2) I will resume lurking, as my efforts did not appear
> to be publicly supported, and therefore effectively
> useless.
> Thanks to you all for your personal responses, in any
> event.
> Jack Thomas (Lurker in the Dark, and self-appointed
> lone Defender of the Wronged - and not even a cape!) :)
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