Mystery solved. It's in the booster.
Don't run the Tiger until you're sure that check valve is still good, or you may
find that the fluid has migrated into the intake manifold & a blown engine can
result. Been there, done that.
The hydroscopic (sp?) qualities of good 'ol Girling fluid make booster failure &
pitting of booster bores inevitable---my vote is still for silicone fluid.
Shaun Laughy wrote:
> Earlier this week, I visited the Tiger downstairs in the garage where it is
> stored for the winter. While I was busy sitting inside and making
> "vroom-vroom" noises, I happened to step on the brake pedal and, WHAM!, it
> went right to the floor. Looking at the master cylinder, the reservoir is
> almost completely empty (explaining the lack of pressure) but I'm not sure
> where the fluid has gone. I know that it was full earlier this year when I
> had the fluid replaced, and, as far as I remember, it was full when I put
> the car in storage a couple of months ago. Looking under the car, I can't
> see any fluid puddles and the area around the master is dry, so I am
> wondering where the fluid has gone. I remember hearing about fluid
> disappearing into a faulty booster before, so might that be what has
> happened? I'm a bit limited in how deep I can get in tearing the car apart,
> right now, as I have a severely pinched nerve is my neck, put would think
> that that much fluid escaping anywhere else would have to be noticeable.
> For the record, I replaced the fluid with Castrol LMA, so there should have
> been no problem with deterioration from the new fluid. Also, a power
> bleeder was used so that the master would not have to travel past it's
> normal range causing seal damage.
> My brakes all appear to be stock, with a single master and
> original-appearing 5" booster that is (was) operational. All thoughts and
> advice would be appreciated.
> Shaun