This e-mail project has ended. On their web site
(, they've posted this message:
"Thanks to all who have responded to Mrs. Sitarski's 5th grade class
project... Her class is grateful. They have received e-mail from all over
the globe. It is not necessary to forward any additional messages. Her class
has more than enough to keep them occupied for quite a while. The e-mail
address used will no longer be in use after the project is completed."
----- Original Message -----
From: "James E. Pickard" <>
To: "Tiger List (E-mail)" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 8:06 PM
Subject: elementary school project - non-Tiger related
> Since this list has members worldwide, I thought I'd forward this request.
> It takes about 2 minutes:
> Hello! We are in the 5th grade at Deming Elementary School in Terre
> Haute, Indiana. We are located in Vigo
> County, on the western border of Indiana. Our teacher, Mrs. Julie
> Sitarski, is helping us by using her e-mail
> address as our e-mail receiver. We have decided, after seeing this done at
> another school, to map an e-mail project. We are curious to see ?where in
> the world? Our e-mail will travel via the Internet between October 7,
> and November 7, 2002 (only 1 month).
> This is not a pen pal project, so we will not write you back unless you
> request it. We would appreciate your help. If you receive this message,
> ask that you:
> 1. E-mail us back at: and tell us your
> city/state/location so we can plot it on our map.
> 2. Send this letter on to everyone you know so that they can send it on to
> everyone they know and so on to help us reach even more people. We don't
> mind receiving repeats so send it on to everyone. We will keep a graph in
> math class using the numbers received by state and country. We will
> our results on our web page so that you can see how we did.
> With your help, we can make this a very exciting learning experience.
> Thank you for your help.
> Mrs. Sitarski's 5th Grade Class
> Deming Elementary
> 1750 8th Avenue
> Terre Haute, IN 47804
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