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Re: Oil Gauge removal

To: Kathy and Erich Coiner <kathy.coiner@gte.net>
Subject: Re: Oil Gauge removal
From: Larry Paulick <larry.p@erols.com>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 09:15:20 -0400
Erich, I have been working under the dash for the last 2 years, after I 
though I was finished.  The only way I can do it is to remove the seat 
on the side I am working on, lay on my back, and try not to eat the 
nuts, washers, and other stuff that falls down.  

My wife also has small hands which helps.  You can get the oil gauge 
out, and removing the tach gives a little more room to work through the 


Kathy and Erich Coiner wrote:

>Is it possible to remove the oil pressure gauge without removing the the
>dash board?  I have looke and felt up there and it sure seems like the two
>attaching nuts are inaccessible.
>I would like to pull the gauge for lens cleaning, needle painting and
>installing a new oil line.
>Whats the trick?
>All the other gauges are cake in comparision


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