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RE: Value of a Tiger in the Midwest

To: <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Value of a Tiger in the Midwest
From: "Tom Witt" <wittsend@jps.net>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 22:38:15 -0700
Andy, sight unseen I think the general perception of a midwest Tiger is that
it is, and or was, a "ruster". Now in your case that may not be true, but I
think that is what most people think about any car in the snow belt.
  If it is any consolation many a California 'black plate" car can be found
rusting from the inside out. Often water gets in under the floor mats etc. and
causes similar damage. The true value of any car, at any location is what the
buyer is willing to pay. The rest is just conjecture. Tom Witt B9470101

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