Mark L. Wrote:
"Well it finally happened. After 13 years my Tiger has let me down. After
about 120 miles loop up through Canada I stopped for gas, had lunch and
restarted the car. Upon restarting and trying to get underway, the car ran
very roughly...sounded like only 5 or 6 cylinders were firing."
Bob P. thinks its ignition, could be. Although your mention of just fueling up
causes some concern. I would have gone to the fuel filters first, removed
them, blown backwards through them, reinstalled them, then refired it. It may
have worked, and your resultant "Gas Breath" would really have impressed your
flown-in guest and capped of the weekend in true British motoring style.
To augment Bob's Points, Cap, Rotor recommendation, here is some more advise.
If the car is at home, disconnect the battery, open the hood and remove the
distributor cap, measure the point gap and then carefully remove the points
set and condenser. Once the points and condenser are out, inspect the breaker
surface and check the electrical continuity of the points set, then holding
both the points and condenser in your right hand, face the back yard and heave
them as far out into the weeds as you can. Now go down to the local parts
store and get a $70.00 dollar (US) Pertronics trigger and never mess with the
points again. If you're a purist, save the old condenser and hang it on the
distributor to fool the judges.
All kidding aside, check the filters.
Good Luck.
Mike S.