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RE: Electrical gauge and oil pressure

To: "'Robin Young'" <robin02@mindspring.com>
Subject: RE: Electrical gauge and oil pressure
From: "Ronak, TP (Timothy)" <Timothy.Ronak@AkzoNobel.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 11:29:44 -0400
You said:  
"Those are great water temp # for that much motor. Are you cooling the oil
attain them? Robin"
All I have is a cut down $45 Derale Stainless flex fan part #17015 and the
air dam Kit. Idling in the Garage for 45 minutes while I set the valves it
got to 200. I am pretty convinced that if everything is in good shape there
is no reason that it should run hot. But, just in case I also have 2
electric fans mounted on the front of the rad which I do not need to use. As
it is a new motor I am just running water and nothing else until I am
certain there are no "gremlins".

Best Regards,

Tim Ronak
Business Development Manager
Akzo Nobel Coatings
OFF: (949) 305-5393
VM: (800) 234-6747 ext. 2257#

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