I'm just getting ready to get the Tiger on the road for the year and am
facing my first full tune-up (it had just been done when I bought the car
last year). Here's the problem: I'm not sure what the settings should be
for the car. From what I am told, the engine is a 5.0 (unknown vintage --
I'll try to check the codes), it has Tiger headers, a 600 Holley and, as it
runs quite smoothly at idle, it probably has a pretty mild cam. The
ignition is an MSD 6AL with and MSD ProBillet distributor. That's all I
really know about it, so I'm wondering if anyone can suggest specs for plug
type/gap, timing, etc. The car seems to run quite well now, so I can
probably just swap out for what is in there, but will still need to know the
appropriate gap. Also, jetting on the carb is probably a little off as ever
since if fixed the gas tank/fuel line restriction problem, the car seems to
surge a bit when letting off the throttle from wide open throttle. If
anyone knows a good tuning shop the Vancouver, BC, Canada area that is
familiar with jetting and setting up ford V8's, I would appreciate hearing
about it.
Thanks for any help!