Afetr six years of collecting dust I'm thinking of starting to work on my
Tiger again.
Here's what I've already done (at least what I remember)
Body work finished.
Engine (260) & trans. out.
New dash pad installed, real wood panel purchased, most gauges rebuilt or new
Stewart Warner aftermarket.
Bought low miles 302, 85? GT Mustang engine (carbureted)
Bought intake & carb suggested by STOA or CATO (used to belong) CAT (LAT)
Bought most interior covers and panels and have started trunk relining.
MY question is: Considering the fact that I'd like to make a lot of
progress...FAST. (I want to get the fire burning again) what should I do next?
I'm building a driver, not everyday, but a driver. I'll put the 260 in a
plastic bag for the next owner (if they're a number match person))
I was going to replace all fuel and brake hard lines while the engine was
out, but I'm anxious to build the engine up and drop it in.
Will the engine go in with the headers bolted on first?
I had the headers "metallized" with aluminum. Considering the Tiger's
reputation for cockpit heat should I wrap the headers??
I could go on for hours, but I won't.
I have a million questions.
Thanks, Tom So. Suburbs of Chicago (sorry, I don't remember the year or VIN)