The correct 289 water pump that has the proper recesses for the Sunbeam
Specialities "Tiger" pump is C4OE-6059-A. Not that you will need to plug the
splash hole in the front of the block on a 260 block. You will also loose the
splash-to-timing chain oiling that the early blocks contained. High Perf.
pump.....what is the purpose here???
Chris in Arcata
Ray wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> A buddy wants to go to the later 289 HiPo water pump for his 260.
> Frankly, it has been so long since I fooled with a 260, I have forgotten what
> the difference between the 289-early 302 timing chain cover and the 260 cover
> was.....I remember that the 260 used to corrode through and dump coolant into
> the oil and it had a dipstick hole in the front; that's about it!
> Bottom line is this: What parts will be needed to put a 289 type pump on his
> car?
> I tried the TU site; no luck.
> Best Regards,
> Ray
> "Remember- It's the collision with the planet that counts!"