Why not look for a Fairlane 289? It is outwardly identical to the 260.
Same number of freeze plugs, same exterior casting shapes. I've not heard
of any complexities of changing to this engine. It's what's in my car.
> If anyone has info, I'm looking for a replacement engine for my Mk1A ... a
> 260, preferrably, so as to avoid complexities of conversion to 289 or 302.
> Maybe there's someone out there who removed and saved their original,
> in-good-condition 260 when they decided in favor of converting to one of
> the bigger engines... I'd appreciate any response ... I'm located near
> Philadelphia PA ... Many thanks, Curt.
> "still burning with the muse, they tread
> (and arm-in-arm!) the shadowy shore."
> -- Robert Louis Stevenson