The Tiger water pump and pulley are indeed specific for the Tiger, but it's not
absolutely necessary to have those exact pieces for proper alignment. My water
pump has the flange on the normal way around, i.e. flat face forwards. When I
re-did my pulley setup as part of the alternator conversion, I went to the local
autowreckers with a tape measure and pulled about a half-dozen water pump
pulleys with slightly different diameters and offsets. It seems Ford made pretty
much every 1/8" increment of offset in the 2 to 3" range, so it was just a
matter of hitting the right combination. I ended up with nearly perfect
alignment; if I'd needed to, I would have picked slightly more offset and then
made a spacer to fit underneath the pulley flange. If I recall correctly the
magic piece came off of a 1980 Mustang with a four or straight 6 and no power
The generator spacing isn't nearly as critical because of the long distance
between the gen pulley and the other two. I'm sure that even 1/4" of
misalignment wouldn't cause the belt to spin off except maybe at really high
RPM, but it would shorten the lifespan of the belt some.
You should always use a thermostat. If you're not sure that the one you've got
is working, just get a new one - by the time you've tested your old one you
could have your new one in the car.