Steve & Listers,
I noticed a small typo - for those RSVPing, my email address is
Buck Trippel
----- Original Message -----
From: "SJC Worldwide" <>
To: "Tiger Mailing List" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 11:15 PM
Subject: TAC Event and Sunbeam Parts Swap & Sell Meet!!
> Hello Sunbeamers:
> For anyone in Southern California, or even if you're not (you can always
> drive here in your Sunbeam or other fine Rootes Group vehicle), next
> Saturday, September 22, from 10 AM to 2 or 3 or 4 PM (depending on how
> long everyone wants to stay), the following events will happen:
> Location for both events is the CAT (California Assoc. Of Tiger Owners)
> warehouse in Whittier, California. E-mail me (Steve Sage ....
> or call Kathy at her office at (562)806-1337 for the
> address and directions, if needed. The warehouse number, for the day of
> the event, is (562)906-4457.
> TAC session...get your Tiger TAC'd, or authenticated, as to its being an
> actual Tiger. It costs a few bucks to have it inspected, but you get a
> certificate of authenticity if everything's OK (I hope it is!!). For
> further info. on this part of the day, e-mail Buck Tripple, who has
> organized this for CAT, at:
> You'll want to do this if you want your Tiger TAC'd. They're not adverse
> to TACing non-running Tigers too, so if you need to, you can tow it down
> for the day. E-mail Buck first, though, to reserve a space.