TAC Event in St Louis?
Our attempts to expand the Tiger Authentication
program have met with considerable enthusiasm from
Tiger owners and prospective Tiger owners around the
country. The greatest difficulty we continue to face
in locations remote from STOAs home area in northern
California concerns the logistics of defining central
locations and calendar dates where a number of cars
sufficient to justify the effort and expense of long
distance travel can be gathered. While our desire is
to create teams of inspectors across the country who
are within a pleasant drive of any Tiger in need of
inspection, we currently have to depend on the
willingness of the current senior inspectors to take
time off and travel in order to move the program
forward. An excellent opportunity to both inspect
cars and train additional inspectors exists at Tigers
United East in St Louis on the weekend of Oct 6-7.
While Tom Hall has generously offered to provide
training and to serve as senior inspector at this
event, we are well short of the 10 car minimum, that
we have set as the criterion for holding an event at a
site distant from home. We would very much appreciate
any assistance in getting the word out that this TAC
event can only happen if those of you who can attend
inform us of your interest in TAC inspection and/or
Restrictions on reasonably priced air travel require
us to make a decision by August 24 . We look forward
to your decisions on the utility of holding this
Best Regards,
Gary Ott
TAC Chairman
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