A few years back, Randy Becki from MI brought his
1930 Ford Model A Indy Race Car (The Schofield
Special) to the IN SAAC Spring Fling. I traded
drives with my Tiger for his race car. He was so
impressed that he bought a Tiger shortly afterward
and the his wife Kathy got an Alpine. Sorry I could
not find a Model A race car. But its a kick wearing
the leather helmet and airplane goggles. In Randy's
car the gas tank was an exposed round cylinder
behind your seat. The two seats were for the
driver and riding mechanic. One of the duties of the
rider was to watch the fuel pressure gauge. If the
pressure fell you would reach for the small pump
and pump up the tank ala Coleman lantern. The
car never qualified for the Indy but the log book
does show it was raced extensively.
Racing has come a long way after sitting up there
trying to keep from falling off in turns, in an old
racer with narrow tires on wooden wheels, vague
steering, and mechanical brakes.
Dave Johnson, B382002668