Erich - When you have Tiger questions, I recommend you first visit
listquest. Listquest is a wonderful archive of many years of messages
that have been exchanged over the tiger list (as well as other lists,
but who cares about them!). What makes it so useful is that the user
can do a keyword search for whatever topic they are interested in, and
the listquest server displays fragments from archived messages
containing the search word or phrase. If this explaination isn't clear,
it will be obvious once you try it. For example, a search for "tires"
resulted in 689 matches, but a search for "13 inch tires" resulted in
only 41 matches.
The URL is:
Good luck, Randy
Kathy and Erich Coiner wrote:
> Tigers came with 13 inch diameter rims.
> What was the original tire size, and what is modern equivalent?
> Can somebody cover the major differences between a Mark I and a Ia?
> I have read the Ia had an improved ventilation system. How?
> How long does it take to install the removeable hardtop?
> Thats all for now.
> Erich