In line with Stu's request, a digital voltmeter of reasonable accuracy
was being sold by Harbor Freight, and similar import tool stores, for
$9.95, and works as well as my Simposon, and competes with my Fluke.
Pep Boys may carry them.
Our ever handy Radio Jerks have a very nice digital VOM in a folding
case that holds the leads, and will slip in your shirt pocket, or "Glove
Box" for $17.95 when NOT on sale. I paid about $14.
For trouble shooting Tiger electrical systems, and bad grounds, these
instruments are invaluable, and should be part of everyones road tool
kit, regardless of whether you are participating in the instrument
measurement request, or not.
W word of caution. Analog (needle type) VOM's (volt-ohm meters) are even
less expensive, and will be more intuitive as the needle moves, instead
of digits bouncing around. Got to watch the direction of the ohm-meter,
as it is counter-intuitive, as is resistance, where "more" resistance is
"less" current, and the needle's "0" is on the far right!
Steve Laifman < Find out what is most >
B9472289 < important in your life >
< and don't let it get away!>
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