Don't you just love it when some space cadet
talking on a cell phone driving a SUV changes
lane narrowly missing your Tiger. 'Oh I'm sorry,
I guess I didn't see you'.
Are cars are so small and low to the ground,
that it has become risky to drive them. I've
had the rear bumpers of semi trailers pass
over my hood.
My point is that for most a SUV is not needed.
Do what the Europeans do. When you need a
bigger vehicle for a vacation, rent one.
My parents raised 3 boys and 1 son with just a
Ford 4-DR. We took vacations. We piled everything
on the top of the car. Interestingly I see almost
every SUV has a rack. How many do you see
using them? Why not reduce air resistance and
get one without the rack. Then use a suction
cup rack from Sears when you need one? That's
what we did.
Yes everyone doesn't get their own window, or
AC controls, or entertainment center. It can be
crowded but if the kids gripe, that's what the back
of the hand is for.
To those who rationalize their big SUV, I say great.
Just please stay out of the left lane if you are not
doing at least the speed limit. Please dim your
lights when you pull up behind us. And please
lookout for us when you are changing lanes.
Dave Johnson