If we're looking primarily for picture storage I can talk to a friend and
co-worker who runs a mountain biking site. It generates about 10 gigabytes of
traffic a day (really!) and I doubt we'd show up on the radar. Their site allows
anyone to post any picture, as well as supporting a discussion forum. There is a
minor problem with people posting inappropriate images, and a lot of the forum
content is more juvenile than you'd ever think possible, but that's a
consequence of having things wide open. I think we'd be able to set up a
parallel database and a separate domain so the chances of cross-pollination
would be minimal...
This is not to take away from Steve's offer, to negate Tim's effort, or to
dilute any of the other online Tiger resources. It is to provide a service that
people are trying to use, without the invasion of privacy issues that using a
commercial forum site creates.
Chris Thompson wrote:
> This may be most of the solution to this nasty web page. Steve's web page
> is the coolest thing to happen for the Tiger community since 1964, and he is
> amazing about adding content and keeping it up to date. But I thought the
> rocket-propelled rice burner was way too stunning to have missed, so we
> still need someplace more friendly to share files! But Steve should be the
> first place to go - generally anything worthwile he'll put on the site for
> posterity....
> Chris Thompson
> B382000331
> Dodge Rice Burner Stealth R/T
> >
> >
> >
> > Chris,
> >
> > It is really difficult to find web space without a price tag.
> > _/_/_/