Well, then it was professionally produced. Perhaps we can find the source
and have them distribute more copies. I knew the tapes existed but no
I had posted a request for this video a couple of months ago and didn't get
a response.
I don't know Darrell Brunn but if somebody could contact him
I would be grateful. I doubt there would be a huge demand but most
video editing services would handle this and probably would handle the
mailings, too. (to make it easier)
Steven Silverstein
on 3/6/01 11:34 PM, RSpontelli@aol.com at RSpontelli@aol.com wrote:
<< . . . surely somebody has a copy which
they could take to a video editing service and have multiple copies made.>>
The labels on my copy of the tapes (it was a two-volume set) has the
obligatory "Copyright 1990 . . . All Rights Reserved" annotation. And the
opening frames clearly indicate "WARNING: Licensed for private home use
only. Reproduction prohibited."
Perhaps someone should chase down Darrell Brunn and see if he'd be
in making up some more?