I also have experienced the flat lobe problem with an Edelbrock cam in my
Tigers 289.
Just like Cullen said, It backfires under load.
The Edelbrock cam had obvious material deficiencies (extreme porosity)
I switched to a Crane cam and things have been fine ever since.
On Wed, 24 Jan 2001 12:54:05 -0700 "Cullen Bennett"
<r51465@email.sps.mot.com> writes:
> James,
> I had a car one time that exhibited similiar symptoms. It was a 350
> chevy in an 81 corvette, so things may be different. The full
> symptoms
> were that it ran fair, but with a little sluggishness, while
> driving it
> normally. However, when romping on it a bit, it would backfire
> through
> the carb consistently. I finally traced it to a couple of flat cam
> lobes. One of them was as close to totally gone as could have been
> done
> on a lathe. GM had quite a few cams going bad during that time
> period.
> When you said that you were able to re-adjust the valves on #1 and
> regain compression, I would suspect that set of cam lobes first.
> Just guessing....
> Cullen Bennett
> Tempe, AZ
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