I'd been seeing graphics in the UK car mags -- primarily in ads for alloy
wheels -- of various British cars, distorted like caricatures; all hunched
over, big mag wheels splayed out at wild angles. Sort of a 21st century Ed
Roth look, without the hair. No, no Rootes stuff, always TR's MG's, the
usual cr*p.
Well, I recently got another catalog from Triple-C Accessories in PA, and
they had a full page of T-shirts with the same (kind of?) art, including a
Tiger! Wow. The car depicted is rally-car style w/auxiliary lights and a
spare tire on the bootlid. Had to have one. As always turnaround was quick
(one business day for me), and hi-quality; the artwork was applied to a
Hanes T-shirt. Sadly, I have no idea when I'll next see a day warm enough to
just wear a T-shirt. :^(
And no, Steve, don't tell me how nice it is in L.A. :^)
In addition, they threw in a bonus for reaching $45 (IIRC); another T-shirt
with a lexicon of sorts translating various car terms from Brit-speak to
Another interesting item: A Lucas switch of a Range Rover or something; it
mounts on the steering column on the right side, and actuates the hi-lo beam
function on the headlights, if pulled back, and the tip pushes in to operate
the horn. At only ten bucks, they advertised them to be cannibalized for the
internal spring, which fits the turn signal lever on MGB's or something.
But, the bolt-up diameter and screw spacing suggests it would fit right up
on the RH side of the steering column of a Tiger, and I could finally hook
up a horn (I guess I could also use the lighting feature, and convert the
floor bracket to a dead-pedal, if I wanted. The lever juts upward at an
angle, but I think I could straighten it, and the late-60's-looking graphics
shouldn't look _too_ out of place.
Usual disclaimers: No interest other than as a satisfied customer, etc. I
think their site is www.triple-c.com .
Larry Wright
"I can't get no -- Satis-Traction"