Hi Paul,
The white/blue wire connects the coil directly to 12 volts only while you
are starting the car. If this wire became shorted to constant 12 volts, you
would encounter the problems you describe. If you reconnect the white wire
and then disconnect the white/blue wire from the ballast resistor, things
should work as they are supposed to including the tach. The only thing is
that under starting conditions the coil is no longer being operated from 12V
directly. If this works then measure the voltage at the blue/white wire, it
should only be 12V while you are starting the engine. If it's on constantly
then the starter solenoid is zorched or else the wire is shorted to a
constant 12V source.
How did you remove the white wire? Where did you disconnect it from the
other circuits? Does it still have 12V even after you disconnected it? I'm
having trouble figuring out how things could work properly (i.e. how the
engine would shut off) when you turn off the ignition, if the coil was
getting 12V all the time. Does it shut down right away or after a minute
(i.e. after you drained the float bowls)?
-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Richey [mailto:prichey@lycos-inc.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 1:59 PM
To: prichey@lycos-inc.com
Subject: solenoid question
I am looking for some advice on an electrical ailment my tiger is currently
suffering. I believe I have narrowed the problem down to the solenoid switch
but not for certain. at first I thought it was the ignition switch and after
replacing that, the problem still exists. the car has 12V constant in all
ignition positions and the tach no longer works. either a switch is stuck
(ignition or solenoid) in the closed position or I have a short. when I
remove the white wire from the tach leading to the ballast resistor the
ignition, gauges, engine seems to work just fine (but the tach and ballast
resistor are no longer being use).
questions -
is the white/blue wire from the solenoid to the ballast resistor supposed to
have 12V constant?
are there any other components of the lucas puzzle that I need to rule out
before replacing the solenoid switch?