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To: Tigers@autox.team.net
Subject: Changes
From: stuart_brennan@agilent.com
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 08:52:09 -0600
Hi Guys:

As of November 3, I will no longer be with Agilent Technologies, so delete
any Agilent addresses that you have for me.  My home address,
sbrennan@ncounty.net,  will remain the same.

I'll be joining SYNQOR, who, along with having an odd way of spelling
things, makes those little DC/DC converters that seem to be so popular with
the telecom industry these days.  I'll be going from "an $8Billion startup",
as Agilent calls themselves,  to a two year old, 100 person outfit that's
beyond startup, more like being in first gear.  Sales of a couple dozen
millions this year.  A few more bucks of pay, and less than half of my 62
mile each way commute.  That's a raise right there.

They seem to be a cool outfit, letting me take two days off during my first
week to go to Indianapolis with my daughter's marching band, for the
national championships (Nov 9-11).    Somehow I've got to get this outfit to
reschedule their competition to a couple other weekends I could suggest...

Stu Brennan

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