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5-bolt HiPo 289 For Sale

To: <tigers@autox.team.net>
Subject: 5-bolt HiPo 289 For Sale
From: "Jim Ferrara" <jferrara@icdc.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 11:26:07 -0400
I just ran across a genuine 5-bolt HiPo 289 that has never been apart and
allegedly has about 40K miles on it...assy date 3M26. This engine is
complete from A/C to Oil Pan and even includes bell-housing & clutch (and
orig plug wires!). Price is $4950.

I think the guy will sell the long-block (less induction, manifolds,
accessories) for around $3600, maybe less. Most of that wouldn't fit a Tiger
anyway, with the possible of exception of the intake and Ford 4-barrel.

Well here is my dilemma. I currently have installed a 5-bolt .030-over built
302 and have less that 4,500 miles on it in my Tiger, i.e., there is no sane
reason to mess with it. But the lure of a genuine HiPo is strong.

So I'm spamming the list with a proposition. If anyone is interested in the
HiPo, I'll forward the owner's name, etc and you can work out whatever deal
you can. I saw the engine on a stand, but did not hear it run. The engine is
located in northern Virginia area.

Or, I'll sell the engine that is currently in my Tiger so I can by the HiPo.
Mine has a lot of special neat stuff inside, so email me off-list and I'll
fill you in (you can even go for a ride behind it since the car is totally

Either way, I thought this would be of some interest to fellow Tiger owners.


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