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Re: RHD Signalling (No TIGER content)

To: CoolVT@aol.com
Subject: Re: RHD Signalling (No TIGER content)
From: johnc@nait.ab.ca
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 08:45:04 -0600
One More RHD story . . .
Dee and I took the TC down to the US a number of years back. The US customs
agent took one look at the car and said that he could not allow us in as
the driver was on the wrong side. I assured him that I was on the "right"
side and he replied to the effect that being a smart ass would not convince
him to let us in.
I tried my best to talk him into granting us entrance but to no avail.
Finally I got him to measure from the center of the steering wheel to the
left hand edge of the TC. We then went to the motor home behind us and
measured from the center of their steering wheel to the left-hand edge of
their mirror and it was less distance. I then managed to convince him that
driving the TC was just like driving a motor home with nothing on the right
hand side. He begrudgingly let us enter with a shake of his head and a
murmur about crazy Canadians.

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