As I prepare for working on my Tiger and the upcoming cold season (i.e.
mice coming inside to keep warm in the garage, what works best for
keeping them away from the car's new wiring harness?
With a car cover on, do mothballs or cedar blocks work, and have any of
you tried with or without success the line of electronic rodent-annoying
devices that you see advertised in airline magazine ads?
The new wiring is not currently installed, but I know there are mice or
something there, as the cord for the trouble light and one of the
extension cords was eaten into before I hung everything electric higher
up on the wall closest to the house.
As for you wiseguys( Rick, Al, Marshall) and gals who are marking today
on your calendars as the day Bellman starts work in his 1A, please
don't. I can't take the pressure.