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From: GRMCirc@aol.com
Full-name: GRMCirc
Message-ID: <fb.61e327d.265be863@aol.com>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 09:57:55 EDT
Subject: Re: Subscription Invoice
To: TigerCoupe@aol.com
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In a message dated 5/18/00 10:09:52 PM, TigerCoupe writes:
<< A month or so ago I responded via Email to the above offer sent to the
Sunbeam >Tiger information group. Eventually I did receive my free issue,
which I enjoyed.
>Today, May 18, 2000, I received a "Subscription Invoice" for $17.95 from
Grassroots >Motorsports which "Includes all account activity through: May 4
00." I was >surprised to learn that this was Notice # 101000504$SOFT, that
my account # was >49522, and my order # was 87323.
>The invoice was accompanied by a letter from the publisher, which read in
>"Thank you for your subscription order. By now you should have gotten your
first >issue of GRASSROOTS MOTORSPORTS -- if not, it will be along
shortly.........If >you have already sent in your payment, we thank you and
ask that you please >disregard this notice."
>This correspondence strikes me as a blatent, backhanded solicitation which
>borders on unethical. Accordingly, I will disregard it. I hope that other
members of >the Tiger community have not had an experience similar to mine!
Dick Barker >>
I apologize for that. There was a computer mistake and a handful of people
(including yourself) received invoices instead of invitations. The bill has
been cancelled and there is no obligation whatsoever. Once again I apologize
and hope you enjoy the sample. Thanks.