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RE: Bumpers to Body

To: "'Daniel S. Eiland'" <deiland1@elp.rr.com>
Subject: RE: Bumpers to Body
From: Theo Smit <TSMIT@isotel.com>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 17:00:00 -0600
Hi Dan, 
If my key were to fit the trunk, it would certainly interfere with the rear
bumper. Viewed from above, my bumper slightly overlaps the rear bodywork.
Chris V (and I think Steve Laifman) mentioned tubular bumper mount
extensions, which (I suppose) would be fitted by running longer bumper mount
bolts through them.

I don't keep anything valuable in the trunk (a spare and a battery, both of
which eventually go flat), and I will equip my alarm with a trunk-activated
trigger, when I get around to the trivial stuff.


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