Dan, you could get a plug of alum that you cut with a hole saw and epoxy
the put in. It should stay forever, and will hold up to the heat.
If I were you I would to to the shop, hopefully you paid with a credit
card, and ask them to pay for a proper repair, or a new one from EBay.
Just kidding on the EBay search. It's sad that so many people have to
put up with this kind of shoddy work, when it come to the repair of
older cars.
I checked body shops in our area for 7 months, interviewed several,
checked references, looked at their work and shop, and called previous
customers, before deciding on a shop
I am glad I did, as they did a terrific job, on time, and at the price
we agreed upon. Work was superior, and 2 fellow Tiger owners have had
work done at the same shop after mine, and were pleased with the shops work.
Good work is not cheap, but it is worth having something you are proud
of and an experience that is favorable, not a nightmare.
Good Luck.